
Monday, August 19, 2013

Things I hate about Windows 8.1

Things that I don’t like about windows 8

Let’s get one thing straight up front. I love windows 8, personally I prefer the bold bright and live new interface. If you get to spent more time on it, you will feel that it’s just like Windows 7 with in a new package (may be a bit ahead of it time.

As much as I love using it, I can’t get over some usability issues which might not be applicable to the masses but still valid for a fair group of professionals. I a sentence I could say Windows 8 is “More personal less professional”. That being said, let’s get counting.

1. Tiles

If you have a problem with the new tile interface then windows 8 is not for you, and yes I don’t have a problem with it. But sometimes so called live tiles are not so alive. They even display details from previous days. And some doesn't even work even after enabling them.
I know it’s a big ask but the tiles like Music and video could be very helpful if we can control them from the tile mode itself rather than going in to the app. I am not over exaggerating but for large sized tiles you get more space to play around so why not?

2. Finding specific program

This task use to be very easy with previous versions, all newly installed applications will go to program file or its own folder from there you could easily get it. It a bit more easy in windows 8, you can type the name of your app and find it from the list. If you use it frequently you can also pin it to your start screen. Neat.
But what if you don’t know the name of your application? For instance I have installed a software called “Launch lite VNC”. In order to get this thing to work I had to run the launch light VNC viewer. I sped two minutes looking for that and there were about 15 items with the same icons, and to make things worse windows clips down the application name making all of them same. See the image below.

Later I had to look up online to know the application name so that I can type it in the search area and that is not cool.

3. Deceptive

Compared to windows 8, 8.1 has migrated some of the commonly used options to new modern interface under the name PC settings. But sometimes it turns out confusing and I still use control panel for most of the administrative tasks.
. Here is the deal, since I don’t have control panel pinned to my start screen I had to search for it. But when I start typing “contr…” the immediate result is PC settings which is odd since it does not match my query (result will show control panel as the second option) this makes me wonder if MS really want users to use the new interface exclusively even for these administrative tasks.

4. Life cam integration

This is the most ridiculous part. But I need to remind you that I had trouble with my life cam HD 5000 integration only with windows 8.1. It was working with windows 8.
HD 5000 has a 5 Mega pixel sensor and was capable of taking descent pictures with windows 7. Now in windows 8 and 8.1 I am unable to choose the resolution. Now I have choice of aspects ratios. To make things worse, the pictures tunes out dull and life cam settings no were to be found. The situation is even worse in 8.1 I have installed new interface app for life cam, but it turns out to be nothing more than a tutorial for the cam application. Hopefully when 8.1 releases on October this will get fixed.

5. No modern file solution for windows explorer

When I use the modern interface I could not help myself wonder why there is no modern counterpart for Windows explorer. I don’t mean the full featured one, just an official one which could do basic navigation and activities like cut, copy, paste could be helpful. This could eliminate the need for going to the desk top for doing these activities. I can’t force this as a critical usability issue though, it’s just how I feel.

6. Application support

In sear number windows x86/x64 applications out number ever other platforms combined. So basically if you are buying an x86 based windows 8 (not RT) tablet, you shouldn't be concerned about low app count. Given all these facts I still feels the offering for windows 8 PC from the windows store is very much embarrassing. Now that the store crossed over 160,000 apps I wonder how many of those will be actually be portable to a PC or tab.

These are my few concerns and most of them are very general. Let me know your thoughts on Windows 8 and 8.1 in the comments sections.